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CLS Insights

The Commerce Logistics Specialists on LinkedIn

The Commerce Logistics insights series provides timely & concise coverage of key developments in the world of commerce logistics and the digital transformation of retail. To date we've published 250+ concise briefings compressed into the easy-to-read format of a LinkedIn posting, and categorized into one of 5 key topics.

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UPU & Postal Industry

CLS LinkedIn posts on the UPU and Postal Industry

Active in the postal industry for more than 35 years, in January 2025 Walter Trezek was elected Chairman of the UPU's Consultative Committee (UPU CC) for a third time.

The UPU CC represents the wider postal sector players (WPSP), encouraging their integration into the postal sector as a means of opening up the market and fostering partnerships with national designated operators, in particular through the UPU's Postal Prosperity Zone (PPZ) initiative. Consequently, CLS is ideally placed to provide concise and accurate summaries of current activities at the UPU and highlight future developments within the postal industry.

LinkedIn articles on the UPU & Postal Industry.

Future of (E)Commerce

CLS LinkedIn posts on the Future of Ecommerce

In the Future of (e)Commerce section of the Commerce Logistics Briefing Series we examine the ongoing digital disruption & transformation of the industry and digital logistics/last mile delivery.

We cover topics including hybrid postal/commercial cross-border delivery solutions, the future of out of home (OOH) delivery, and the new last-mile delivery which has emerged during the pandemic.

Our analysis of the EU VAT Ecommerce package remains a major focus. This "big bang" fundamentally changed the framework conditions for importing goods shipments into the EU. We report on the implementation, reactions, and consequences for customs, trade, logistics, and the entire market.

LinkedIn articles on the Future of (E)Commerce.

Postal Standardization

CLS LinkedIn posts on Standardization

Ecommerce is global, and the UPU is giving the wider postal stakeholders a much greater role in its future development.

As a result, postal standardization at EU and global level is increasingly relevant, with harmonized technical and messaging standards the basis for truly interoperable delivery networks, added value services, and seamless cross-border delivery.

LinkedIn articles on Postal Standardization.

Sustainability in the Postal Sector

CLS LinkedIn posts on Sustainability

With the European Union's dual green and digital transformation, sustainability considerations are now also driving developments in the postal sector.

By ensuring universal access globally to all the world's citizens, the postal sector is inevitably a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, developments in the sector, such as the UPU's OSCAR platform, include efforts to reduce its environmental impact.

LinkedIn articles on Sustainability in the Postal Sector.

Digital Transport & Logistics

CLS LinkedIn posts on Transport and Logistics

Walter Trezek is an appointed member of the EU's Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) which plays an important role in drawing up proposed EU Regulations on electronic freight transport information (eFTI Reg EU 2020/1056).

Digital transport & logistics helps facilitate cooperation between supply chain actors, allowing better visibility and real-time management of cargo flows, reducing the administrative burden, and enabling the better use of infrastructures and resources.

LinkedIn articles on Digital Transport & Logistics.

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